A Sailor’s Milestone

January 13, 2010

Tomorrow morning a 16 year old girl from Queensland (my home State in Australia) will celebrate a momentous milestone in her quest to become the youngest sailor to circumnavigate the globe solo, non-stop and unassisted.

Jessica Watson along with her trusty vessel Ella’s Pink Lady will round Cape Horn.  Even those who aren’t sailors are aware of the infamous and hazardous waters of  “The Cape”.  So imagine if you will, a 16 year old  conquering this sailing icon alone.

Whether your a believer in her dream or not, it is hard not to be inspired by her and the tales on her blog.  Remember Ella’s Pink Lady is only 10.23 metres (that’s 33½ feet) long.


I  will be celebrating this occasion and would recommend that everyone should visit her blog.  Jess is out there now and you can be there with her.  I for one have been sailing along side her the whole way. Way to go Jess!

Happy New Year 2010!

January 13, 2010

Well I was late with the previous post – sorry! There was the mad run up to Christmas and then while I was on holidays, I took time off from all my commitments. I was worn out.

The year of 2009 was kind to our Family. We enjoyed good health and were well cared for. As a Family we enjoyed luxuries many can’t given the hardtimes. For that we are truly grateful.

Personally, I feel lucky to have a job given the economic crisis. My children do not go without and my husband is a constant source of support to us all.

I would also like to thank those who sent well wishes to help me celebrate another 40 something birthday. December is a fabulous month!

May 2010 bring you all goodtimes and lots of great memories. Cheers to you all!

It must be Christmas

January 13, 2010

I love how the festive/silly season allow us to be just that.

We dress up and dress up our surroundings.

I love  Christmas.

It has to be one of the largest community events in the world!

Peace on Earth to all.

PS.  Sorry for the delay!

It’s quiet without you

December 11, 2009

It is the first week of the school holidays for private school children here in Queensland.  As Paul and I are busy at work, Sam has been spending the week out at my Mum’s place which is about a 30 minute drive away.  So since Sunday afternoon, there has only been three of us in the house.  I have been busy with Christmas preparations, Pat’s Christmas concert and Paul has been travelling.

Pat has been pretty mellow and chatty.  He sometimes says he misses his brother, but mostly he has been pretty happy to occupy himself and play solo. He has also had the luxury of his parents undivided attention. There have been no fights, and neither Paul or I have had to raise our voices since Sunday.  Needless to say, we are pretty relaxed also.

While I am enjoying the relative serenity, I do miss my big boy.  I am so looking forward to you coming home tomorrow.  I need a cuddle!

I love you Mum

December 10, 2009

A conversation between my son Pat (3½ years) and myself yesterday afternoon.

Mum: I love you Pat.   Do you love me?

Pat:  Yep, I love you Mum.

Mum:  Do you love me the most?

Pat:  Sure.

Mum:   Cool – that means I’m your favourite.

Pat:  I love you and I love the birds.

Mum:  What?  I thought you loved me the most.

Pat:  Well I don’t love all the birds Mum!

Where Captain Cook once sat

December 7, 2009

When did it start?

A trip to Cooktown in 1990.

Atop of Grassy Hill

Where Captain James Cook once sat

I gazed towards the nearby reefs

To where he looked for a safe passage home

The presence of danger everywhere

But no more.

One year of higher learning

December 4, 2009

Today marks Samuel’s last day of Grade One.  The beginnings of learning to read and write, and the introduction of science and maths.  He has made it through and picked up a bucket full of life skills.  He has also climbed a few personal mountains.  As a very proud Mum,  I just wanted to celebrate the milestone and take stock of how far he has grown up over the last 12 months.

He has got a bit taller too.  Love you Sammy.

So different but the same

December 4, 2009


3 years separate them

Different physical attributes

One is an extrovert the other an introvert

One is very competitive in nature while the other isn’t

One is kind and gentle to his brother the other is more selfish

In nearly every way these two are polar opposites

but  when you turn off the hose

Same reaction.

School Friends Part 3

December 3, 2009

Things have happened quickly.  We’ve had a couple of dinners.   We Facebook almost daily and consequently we have taken a deeper interest in each others lives.

Confident to move to the next step a small group of us decided that a girls night away was a good way to wind down from our stresses and provide us with a opportunity to be in a more relaxed but intimate environment.

So four of us packed up and drove 45 minutes to my In-laws beach house for one night  together.   A big girls sleep over.  We laughed alot and loud.  We talked alot and listened.  Most of all we had fun.   Lots of fun.

There are plans to do it all again within the next 6 months.

Big thanks to the Hubby’s and the In-laws.  Thank you too Ladies x

Deck the Halls

December 2, 2009

December is “the” month. It is the month of my Mother’s Birthday. It is the month of my Birthday. It’s the month of Jesus’s Birthday. It is the month that we Aussie’s call – The Silly Season.

Christmas in this part of the world occurs in Summer. It’s hot here, damn hot! Regardless of the lack of snow, we still follow alot of the traditions that people in colder parts of the world do. Things like making plum puddings, gathering for a scrumptious lunch or dinner on Christmas Day, running all over town in search of the right present, the Christmas card write-a-thon and the main event, the decorating of the Christmas Tree.

Most of us Aussies use artificial trees. It has been the rare occasion that our Family had a real tree taking pride of place in the lounge. For our little family, decorating the tree is a big deal. Both the boys put on their decorations, and Mum or Dad help them reach the higher parts of the tree. Each takes a turn each year to place the star on top, while the other has the task of turning the Christmas lights on.

Decorating the Christmas Tree - 2008

This is little event is very much looked forward to in our home. It brings back great memories and creates a few new ones. Nothing silly about that.